Friday, March 18, 2011

Finally, an update! This beautiful bison print by hellojenuine has been added to the Save Gocco home page. I think it's just super. How much is it you ask? Well, it's 13 bucks, just for you.


The CoffeeHouse Club Blog said...

I am newly deaf artist joined in to save Gocco products and love Japan culture. Why don't Riso company set up one manufacture office in U.S. good location and make more supplies at cheaper cost (inks, bulbs, screen sheets, etc ) for us to continues using their awesome artwork! Shame, they didn't think of using in school for education in art classroom to teach a basic screen printing as starter kits. Same idea with popular scrapbook in school cults now. Just a thought.

Kim W. said...

ahhh!!! that bison is so cute! Id LOVE to have a gocco...

: kim

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